All about passive commercial Real Estate Investing...


KGI Capital Company Profile 

KGI Company Profile (1).pdf

Introduction to Syndications and Investing with KGI Capital

See below for more information: 

KGIC Company Presentation.pptx

Multifamily Real Estate Investing Videos

Learn about passive investing from our Youtube channel

Sample Deal

See a sample Offering Memorandum (OM) from a previous deal below:

Grayson's Ranch OM 08262022.pdf

Sample Offering Memorandum (OM) Walkthrough

How to Read and Understand an Offering Memorandum:

Case Study of a Previously Acquired Deal

Case Study of a recent 72 unit multifamiy commercial investment property we acquired:

Common Real Estate Terms

See a glossary of common commercial real estate investment & syndication terms below: 

More Questions? Resources to Learn More...

We share lots of valuable information to help you learn more about building wealth with multifamily real estate via emails and social media. Connect further with us here:
